Outlook Plugin with CRM Online & Office 365: Tracked Items Aren't Tracked

We recently ran across an issue when setting up CRM Online 2015 Update 1 with Office 365 Exchange Online. A user installed the Outlook plugin, and could click the Track and Set Regarding functions – even select which record it should be Regarding – but the record never made it to CRM. The original symptom wasthe “Convert To” function was grayed out no matter what we did.

The issue is that in some cases, the Email Server Profile defaults to a value that doesn’t work. Both Incoming Server Location and Outgoing Server Location need to be set to


But how? The field disappears almost immediately, and you can’t create a new form against this entity, nor can you create workflows.

So I forced it to reopen by using the F12 debugger and setting the field to be editable. For example, incomingserverlocation can be edited by opening the F12 debugger and removing the applicable clause. For example, here, you would remove the part that says disabled=”disabled” altogether. This opens up the field to be edited.

2015-08-05 14_02_04-Inspector - https___xxxxx.crm.dynamics.com_main.aspx_etc=9605&extraq

You need to do this for the three fields.

  • Autodiscover Server Location = No
  • Incoming Server Location = https://outlook.office365.com/EWS/Exchange.asmx
  • Outgoing Server Location = https://outlook.office365.com/EWS/Exchange.asmx

2015-08-05 13_54_43-Email Server Profile_ Test 2 - Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Then associate your user(s) to the profile. You then need to approve them and click the Test button.

But mine came back with this error:

Email cannot be sent because the email address of the mailbox John Smith requires an approval by an Office 365 administrator. The mailbox has been disabled for sending email and the owner of the email server profile Test 2 has been notified.

Make sure the person doing the approving and testing is both an Office 365 admin and a CRM admin.


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